Available B. Manley Bates Oil Paintings
Here are a few B. Manley Bates oil paintings that are available for acquistion. They are not a part of the Art of Appreciation Project. Prices for oil paintings upon request.
Artist B. Manley Bates in his Studio
"The Cornucopia of Looking at Everything But Seeing Absolutely Nothing" Oil on Canvass 59" x69." 2019
"The Apotheosis of Aphrodite and Persephone" Oil on Canvass 60" x70.5" 2019
"Contemplating the Salvation of Modern Art Midst the Persistence of Weeds" Oil on Canvass 65" x51.5." 2019
"The Likeliness of Perceived Reality" Oil on Canvass 65" x51.5." 2019
Milk, Bread, and the Quest for Spiritual Nourishment" Oil on Canvass 48.5" x 36." 2019
"Fish Eye" Oil on Canvass 40" x 30." 2019